Typescript Union Types

Photo by Chris Ried on Unsplash

Typescript Union Types

When things are more than one thing


Typescript union types describe values that can be one of several distinct types. You could imagine an age variable that could be either a number or a string or an acceptTerms variable that could be a boolean or a number.

Let's look at a few examples!


When declaring a union type you use the type keyword and the vertical bar (|) to separate each type.

type Age: number | string

We declare a type called Age which may be both a number or a string.

type Person = {
    name: string,
    age: Age

const sally: Person = {
    name: "Sally",
    age: 40

const susan: Person = {
    name: "Susan",
    age: "30"

console.log(typeof(sally.age)) // number
console.log(typeof(susan.age)) // string

Great so we declare a type called Person that has two properties, name and age. Age is of type Age. We also declare two constants sally and susan of type Person. Sally has an age of type number and Susan has an age of type string.

You may also declare a union type inline.

type Person = {
    name: string,
    age: number | string

Union types are not limited to primitive data types. Let's look a union type of two other declared types.

type Lion = {
    age: number,
    name: string

type Elephant = {
    age: number,
    weight: number

type Animal = Lion | Elephant

const lion = {
    age: 10,
    name: "Leo"

const elephant = {
    age: 10,
    weight: 900

const doAnimalThings = (animal: Animal) => {

doAnimalThings(lion) // { age: 10, name: 'Leo' }
doAnimalThings(elephant) // { age: 10, weight: 900 }

Awesome! We initially declare two types, Lion and Elephant. We then declare a union type Animal that can be, either, a Lion or an Elephant. The function doAnimalThings() accepts a single parameter, animal, of type Animal.

Given the definition of the union type, Animal, we know that the doAnimalThings() function should work as expected when animal is of type Lion or Elephant.

Note when we declare lion and elephant we do not provide a type definition. The Typescript compiler infers the type of the object being passed in as the union type Animal i.e. either a Lion or an Elephant. This ability of the Typescript compiler to infer the type means we can write code against an abstraction and thus polymorphic.


Typescript union types provide a convenient way to get around using the any type, however, I would suggest using it with caution with primitives.

There are very few reasons why one would require a value to either a string or a number and you're more likely to find reasons to declare union types as string | null.

Happy coding!!!